First Personal Blog Entry
Well, here’s the start of my pale-blue-colored online journal. The color of the background is subject to change, but I thought it was more interesting than white.
Right now I’m trying to write my thesis for eventual graduation in February (knock wood). Which is why it’s the perfect time to avoid writing–I mean, do some serious soul-searching. Yeah, that sounds better.
I’m not sure if I’ll have anything Earth-shattering for the world at large to read, but at least possibly my friends can see what’s going on with me once in a while.
I have friends who are cool enough to have blogs instead of something like this, which is obviously just an online journal. They have pseudonyms for all of their friends to protect their identities. I guess since you all know me then nobody’s secret identity will be protected anyway. So using first names shouldn’t be a problem? Pseudonyms seem like too much work. Then I’d have to remember them. What a hassle. And as my roommate can tell you, I’m bad with names. Which is good because she’s bad with faces. It reminds me of a movie.
Speaking of secret identities, everyone should see The Incredibles. I love Pixar because they were the first people to invest computer animation with heart and soul. And this movie was a lot of fun, and very funny.
By the way, I’m not using Advanced Blogging Software. This is really a wiki. As a person who is a perfectionist to a fault, I love wikis. The whole idea of a community keeping things documented with few barriers between them and publishing is great. I have my own personal wiki to keep track of todo lists, movies to see, things to remember, basically EVERYTHING my feeble brain usually forgets. And it’s nice to be able to add stuff to the same virtual notebook wherever there’s a web browser, which is most places nowadays. So this won’t be a full-featured blog, but I may add capabilities in the future if I’m really trying to avoid work.
OK, sleep is good. Without sleep, you’re as happy as a chicken in a tree. There’s my very first obscure inside reference which maybe two people will get.