My Super Secret Blog
I have a new blog for my personal stuff. It’s called something designed to not be googleable back to my name. At some point a random headhunter mentioned my ancient personal page I created in my junior year of undergrad. This freaked me out a little–that people who are thinking of employing me might actually try and find my weird personal ramblings on the internet.
So if you are one of my friends and know my email address, I’ll happily tell you the address of my new personal blog (which currently contains hardly anything.) I’d just ask you pretty please don’t link to it with any personally-identifying links that might associate it with me in a google search.
And if you are, or are thinking about, employing me: I have no personal life, don’t waste time writing a blog, and exist only to work super hard for you. YOU! You are the most important part of my current or future life. Luv ya.